Dog sat with child on the sofa Dog sat with child on the sofa

About us

The Edwards family, owners of Moonjoon Nutrition

Moonjoon was established in 2004 when the Edwards family had their first Beagle called Schmoo. Since then their love for all dogs has been the drive to create what we believe to be the best recipes available. Following years of extensive research, monitoring, scrutinising as well as numerous trials by our own dogs & other Moonjoon community group members, we are confident that we’ve finally nailed it. Our meals offer the optimum ingredients and perfect meat to veg ratio to promote great health and well-being.

After seeing such positive results with our own dogs and other excited Moonjoon clients it didn’t seem right not to share our findings with everyone else. There is no personalised label gimmicks with us just high end, natural, healthy foods at an acceptable price with the sole intention to aid longevity and prolong our time with our furry friends. Our ingredients are clear to see as the meat ratio is important. All our food is approved by vets, nutritionalist and many happy & healthy dogs across the country. Check out our website to see some great testimonials that encourage us to continue to strive for excellence.

Please compare our recipes and prices to other products on the market - we are confident that we can offer the best meals for the most affordable prices. Tip: Key points to look out for are grain Free, meat content and the right meat veg balance and delivery cost.

Our customer reviews are testament to the service we provide and our packaging is recyclable - this is very important to us.